Expose Transform

The “Expose Transform” is an object (a controller) which will measure and expose angles, orientations, coordinates and distances between two layers, which can be used as a master property with the Connector 1 or in your own expressions.

Like any Controller 2, you just have to click on the Expose Transform button to create it. If a layer was previously selected, the Expose Transform object will be created at the same location and will get the name of the layer.

By default, it will measure the transformations of the selected layer, and any relative coordinate will be measured relatively to the parent of the layer.

Values and measurements are exposed in the effect on the controller layer.

You can change the measured layers with the first parameters of the effect.

The effect exposes all measured values which can be used in expressions or with the Connector 1.

Contact goniometer of the Carangeot type
Alfred Edwin Howard Tutton, 1911
Public domain.